Saturday, October 2, 2010


19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.

There is a burden in the heart of God for every man to take their rightful place in their calling as heads and leaders. Sadly, the world is filled with men, men that are feeble and weak; men that cannot separate their right hand from their left hand. Men that are dull in distinguishing right from wrong. These are weak men.

The administration of a home cannot be handled by a weak man. Like begets like; the best a weak man can do is to produce weaker men and this bleeds the heart of God. The administration of this world is given to men, those that can stand their ground and be firm with their decisions, not those that are wavering at every slight distortion. He desires men that can be bold in truth and men that are accurate in their choice of paths in this age. He desires men that know what His will is for them and devotedly pursue it. He desires men that know Him and that know themselves. This is opposed to weaklings that lack direction in life. They relate with life the way it presents itself. The bible calls us co-creators with God, in view of this, God desires men that will turn a hopeless situation into one that is endowed with hope.

Who is a weak man? A weak man is not a tiny man; a weak man is a man that is not strong enough to demand that everyone in his family abide by the will of God that he has found out. A weak man is one without a footprint for his life. He staggers at the word of God and can bend God’s standard for the sake of satisfying others around him. He is being ruled by his wife and outsiders administer his home for him. He has no where he is leading his family and because of this, his wife chooses the path for the family. This is a weak man. He waits for his wife to validate his decisions. Except his wife moves, he remains on a spot. Beloved, this is worse than a plague. I am not talking about being hard and harsh, but I am talking about knowing the will of God for your life, being very sure of it and leading your home into fulfilling it.

I always talk about four questions a man must answer but I am going to emphasize on the first two. These questions are;
§  Where does God want me to live? You must have answered this question before you bring a woman into your life, else, that woman will lure your heart away into another location where God has not prepared for you.
§  Which church does God wants me to attend? This is your place of planting, where you are nurtured to become what God has willed for you. It cannot be somewhere else. We tag you a weak man if you cannot bring your family to your church. It is inappropriate for a man and a woman to attend different churches, that is a demonstration of weakness.
§  Who am I to marry? Ensure you answer the two questions above before you bring a woman into your life.
§  Which job am I to do?
We can conclude that you are strong when you have found out the will of God for your life and for your family and you can lead your family into this will. Your will, God’s mandate for you is supposed to be the prevailing force in your home, which informs every other things. But if you have not found out the will of God and lead your home into it, you are a weak man because your wife will suggest alternatives.

The fact that you provide shelter, food and other basic amenities does not indicate you are strong. A strong man knows what his wife and his children should. He leads them into the will of God for their lives. Armed robbers came to a man’s house and forcefully banged his door, asking him to come and open the door. You know what he did, he told his wife to go and attend to them and he hid under his bed. This is a weak man. A strong man confronts all situations that cross his paths. He supplies security. If you must forget anything in today’s teaching, I don’t ever want you to forget that what makes you a strong man is that you know the will of God and you lead your home into it. I want you to read our text over and over again, asking yourself, “Can God speak of me in this manner?”

It shall be well with you in Jesus’ name.

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