Sunday, October 24, 2010


One of the abilities of a man- a head of a home is the ability to speak- they speak words. Such words are recognized in heaven because he is an entity of authority. But it is so sad today that only a few are utilizing the potency of this office.

Beloved in God, I want to stir up a desire in your heart today to dish out anointed proclamations to your household. Like you have known always that words don’t die, your spoken words will not die; it takes the anointing and the anointed to cancel spoken words but if you can speak positive anointed words to your household, such words will have divine backings and the devil can never be able to erase them.

If you will be a man that uses his words well, you need to pay closer attention to these ingredients:

Avoid offenses (Gen.9:24-27, Gen.9:1-27)

Offenses, though inevitable but I want to counsel you to master what comes out of your mouth in all occasions, particularly when you are under pressure. Never find yourself under so huge, a pressure that you begin to speak negative words to your household. If you can tame your tongue and enrich your heart with the word of God, even if you get infuriated, you will find yourself blessing instead of pronouncing curses. The bible says out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks… have your temper under control at all times and it shall be well with you.

Be sensitive

Do not think the devil will be quiet perpetually in your home. He is always on a standby; if you are cold, he will craftly come in but if you stay hot at all times, he will not stay too close- he’ll only observe afar off. Take note of the source of bitterness in your home. These usually don’t start big. For example, if you find your child stealing, instead of cursing the child for this act, let your concentration be on the spirit behind theft and not the child (I am not saying you should spare the child, discipline him but rebuke the spirit behind the act- by so doing, you have balanced the equation). When Peter spoke against the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus rebuked the devil in him and not Peter. Walk with this sensitivity as well. Pray pre-emptive prayers.


Have we not hurt our Father? We have on countless occasions but you know what, He does not keep records of our sins. He sees us in our destiny and in the blood of the Lamb. Outside this, He could have just wiped us out of existence. Forgive easily like God does. Never hold any grudge against your household. Do not live matters unresolved. If it is your wife that offended you, settle it so that the devil will not have a hold in your home. The same applies to your children. You cannot live in unforgiveness and expect divine participation in your affairs. Learn to forgive and pray for the grace to abound.

Learn to stay silent

It is not every matter that goes on in your home that people outside your home should know about. Only God knows how many homes have crumbled simply because premature dreams and visions were let lose. Zachariah and Elizabeth did not untimely expose the destiny of John the Baptist. There are some things God will want you to keep a secret until their time is ripe. Do not be frivolous, be courteous and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus.

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