Sunday, October 24, 2010


We have said that life is about warfare which the devil initiates without the consent of anybody. And this has brought about a constant and consistent need for a Christian to be ever ready. This understanding will help you to fight and fight well. The first thing to do is to STAND ON THE MOUNTAIN.
When you are on the mountain, you can see the enemy clearly. The devil will like to come when you are in the valley spiritually i.e. when you are low, at this time, his ready to wipe you away completely. Keep your spirit high everyday. You can see what God sees when you are on the mountain top that is the place of advantage for you. Don’t try to fight at the human valley level go up to Pisgah.
On the mountain top, where you develop intimacy with God, He gives you what you need for everything that the devil brings. Ask yourself where are you now in the spirit? On the mountain or in the valley? Give yourself to prayer, fasting and study the word of God, so that your spirit can be in proper shape before you face the devil. Hear this, if he devil defeats you, it is your fault, not God’s. So make up your mind on the mountain and defeat your enemy.
2.   EXPECT THE POWER OF GOD: Eph. 1:22, Phil. 2:9-11
The battle of life was won by Jesus on the cross of Calvary. “and having spoiled principalities and power, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” Col. 2:15.
Jesus gave us the total victory when he died on the cross, so there is a need for you to know that each time you face any battle no matter how severe it is, you have the victory already. Many Christian are still being defeated because of their ignorance of this fact. It is one of the factors that determine whether you are going to win or not. If a man knows that no matter what the devil does, Jesus has conquered him that is the first victory in spiritual warfare. Devil is a defeated enemy. What this will do for you is that it will put pressure on the power of God to move on your behalf whenever you face the devil. Don’t let the devil tell you that God cannot save you in that kind of problem let him know that, the power of God is still available for you to bring your deliverance. What are you going through now? Expect the mighty power of God in your life now and it shall end in victory in Jesus name.
3.   DON’T HIDE YOUR FEAR, DEAL WITH IT: II Tim 1:7, Isaiah 41:10.
Fear is one of the major weapons of the devil to defeat man. And fear is the magnification of falsehood by the devil to make it real to us. The word of God lays a very serious emphasis that you should FEAR not. Why? Because in as much as you are not terrified by the sights or lies of the devil, you can’t be defeated.
Fear is of the heart and if a man is defeated inside, it is over for him. The devil will keep attacking you in the area of your fear, he knows anytime that he comes through that weak point, you will loose your peace and strength. Don’t let anything be in your life that connotes fear, deal with it, confront it and receive the spirit of sound mind, and be free. If you don’t do that, the devil will defeat you in the battle of life. Look at the military world, there is what they called propaganda warfare, this is to scare the opposition and that is exactly the strategy of the devil. He wants to terrorize you. FEAR NOT. Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you…” no matter what is happening around you now the Lord said FEAR NOT. Let the devil see God’s boldness in you, your victory is sure.

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