Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Psalm 104:1-24

Wisdom is an essential component of man’s destiny and purpose. No man will become anything serous in life if adequate attention is not given to wisdom. From the Bible passage, we see that by wisdom the Lord created the heavens and the earth. In fact, Proverbs 3:13-18 says, “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom … length of days is in her right-hand … and she is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her.” Beloved, you will begin to succeed when you begin to prioritize wisdom in your life.

I want you to see the following things about wisdom:

1. If it is true that God made the earth in wisdom, then it is only wisdom that can unlock the secrets of the earth.

2. Only the wise can operate at the advantage in life. Where wisdom is not prioritized slavery is inevitable. Prov.24:5-7.

3. Wisdom, not colour, not race, not ethnicity, not gender, not location is the key to rulership in life.

4. Wisdom is the greatest need of a man and of a Christian on the earth (Prov. 4:5-22). In the school of life the name of the principal is Wisdom. You had better respect him or else you won’t ever make any significant progress in life.

5. It should be the outstanding pursuit of anyone on the earth. You must pursue it more than anything else. If you sit down and analyze the lives of so many people today, you will discover that many do not have problem other than wisdom problem. When you begin to pay adequate attention to wisdom, it will help you simplify your life.

Types of Wisdom (1Cor. 2:6-7)

1. The wisdom of God. (1Cor. 1:18-31; 2:1-8)

This is the wisdom of the Ancient of days, the wisdom with which He creates and administers all things both in heaven and on earth and under the earth. All things are under Him. Jesus Christ is the personification of this wisdom. Every genuine wisdom that you see men display today is a product of that wisdom. The wisdom of God is unsearchable and the enemy does not understand it.

It is foolishness before men and the devil and that is why the enemy and man do not understand it often times. Every instruction that God gives issues out from this wisdom. God has ordained this wisdom to bring glory into our lives only that we must accept it, admire it and live by it.

2. The wisdom of the devil (Gen. 3:1-5)

The devil is wise but his wisdom is a corrupted wisdom. Anyone who follows it will end up in destruction. The wisdom is evil and it’s always against God’s purpose and plan. It usually looks attractive to men but ultimately it will lead them to destruction. By it men devise and work out evil and evil things. Wisdom sought and obtained outside of Jesus Christ and the Bible is of the devil.

3. The wisdom of man

You have the natural wisdom of man that is taught and acquired in schools and other learning processes. After the fall of man, there is still a residual effect of God’s wisdom on man, by it men make and invent things. However, you have another side of man’s wisdom and that is cunning craftiness. It is the wisdom of man consequent upon his fall. Craftiness is a satanic wisdom- a product of man’s fall. It has its root in deception and it is of the devil. This wisdom is also called the wisdom of this world. Don’t forget however, that this world will perish and everything in it.

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