Monday, March 7, 2011


When two friends are traveling to a place, one on a journey to Sokoto and the other going to Yobe, the first question they ask is not what is the price but ask where is this vehicle going? After they have found out where each vehicle is going, they must then separate in other to go to their various destinations.

Gen 22:4-5 “Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off… I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

Abraham saw where he is going so this caused him to separate from the young men. So he separated from these young men because they were not meant to follow him to the place of sacrifice. No matter how far you go with people it will get to a point in time to separate for you to arrive at your destiny in life.


When you enter into a bus you meet many people inside the bus. You may be going to the same town but not the same place even when it’s the same place not for the same assignment, so you determine whether you will get to the place on time when drop or you will follow others and let them disturb you from getting to where you are going on time.

Heb 12:1 “ ... let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” When time is attached to something it is a race not a game; so every assignment in life or every destiny in life is attached to time so you must separate from wrong people because wrong people will always tie you down and keep you on one point. To be on one point means to be doing the same thing at different time. So you must separate from wrong people.


Elevation can either be physical or spiritual but always know that there is no elevation either physical or spiritual without a separation. There are many people today that want elevation but are not ready to separate. Even in the physical sense you have to separate and place priority in life for you to become promoted in life but if you are unwilling to separate that means you are ready to sacrifice your promotion.

We see Jesus Christ in this text that He had to leave some of the disciple in the first instance but later had to leave them all to commune with the Father. There are some levels of separation you must undergo for your elevation to come. Many great leader think deeply and decide deeply and bring it to the followers for discussion but the issues which they discuss openly with the followers were birthed in secret. So for you to be elevated there must be separation.


There are many things that God may have to tell you but until you are separated, God may not say it or you may not even hear when God is talking to you. In this passage you will see that it was after Lot had separated from Abraham that Abraham was able to hear God and able to receive the blessing that God had in stock for him. God does not bless in unconditionally but conditionally.

Many people are battling with many issues of life but sometimes the only thing needed is for them to go into their closet and communicate with their Father in heaven.

Learn to separate yourself at anytime in life to be able to communicate with God because something will always engage your time but you have to set priority of how you spend your time. If you waste your time, you are wasting your life. Learn to separate for communication and hearing.

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