Sunday, February 6, 2011


 ‘And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.'
Rejection is an attack against who you really are by people who don't know who you are. It creates a wound spiritually and emotionally that if you don't know how to be healed from the wound of rejection it begins to manifest as lifestyle that are inimical to success. This is what affected Moses when he was rejected when he attempted to make effort at identifying with his people.
One of the outstanding manifestations of rejection is pseudo sophistication. It is an unreal land of life. Rejection could come from words from people we expect to accept us. Rejection could come from parents at home not appreciating a child for who the child is, either as a boy or as a girl, rejection could come from racial discrimination and you will meet rejection one way or the other as you strive to become who God says you are.
The devil will raise people who will say to you who made you a ruler and a judge over us. And if you are not careful you will keep the wound in your heart through life and come to God say to Him like Moses said 'who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh' Exo 3:11. Moses answered like this because of the wound of rejection that was still in his heart. Knowing who you are will protect you from rejection wounds. When you know who you are not from what people call you but from who God says you are, you will not be affected by the attack of rejection and you will be healed of every form of rejection.
Ask the Lord to show you who you are in His eternal purpose, plan and design. Let it be what you believe and live your life according to it. There is nobody who can accurately tell who you are except God who made you.
Ex 3:11 ‘And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt'
Most of the time, people are affected by rejection and they are not aware of it. The wound of rejection manifests itself in different ways and is responsible for certain manifestations in people. If you cannot trace the root of such manifestations or the wound caused by rejection, you will not be able to deal with it properly.
One of the manifestations of rejection wounds is identity crisis. Moses said who am I? He was blind to who he was. He could not believe in himself. He did not see himself in the light of what was burning inside him that made him decide to visit his brethren; he was incapacitated. The desire to defend his brethren was disabled because he was rejected.
Identity crisis is one of the wounds of rejection. Another wound of rejection is inferiority complex. Inferiority complex manifests in two important forms:
·      Denial of greatness.
·      Low performance in life.
We can conclude that Rejection --- Inferiority complex --- Denial of greatness --- Low performance in life.
Make sure you don't harbour rejection in any form, it will incapacitate you. The devil uses rejection as a weapon to stop children of God from proceeding to do what God called them to do. And actually God will always call you to do something greater that what you think you can do personally by any standard. This is because there will always be more that God sees in you than you see in yourself. Accept what God says you are and proceed and do what He says you can do.

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