Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A GOOD MAN Text: Matt 12: 34

' O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.'
Everybody wants good things in life whether they are evil themselves or good they want goods things to come to them. Everybody wants good houses, good cars, good clothes, good life, empowerment, promotion, and all the good things you can think off. Jesus even said in Luke 11:3 'If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifs unto your children.' This shows that men that are evil want good things to happen to them and their children. But it does not work this way.
Jesus showed us a fundamental principle to having good things in life. The principle of God that will always produce good things which is shown in Matt 12:34 read again.
The first step to having good things is being a good man. To be qualified to operate the principle in Matt 12: 34, we must be sure we are a good man. It is not enough to be a good man you must be sure, if you are or you are not
A good man is first somebody that is born again not necessarily a perfect man. Secondly a good is somebody committed to maturity as a Christian which means getting better everyday. From the day you get born again there should be a daily progress, daily growth, what you are struggle with should be changing. From the day you give your life to Jesus till you will see Jesus in the rapture, you will have area to grow into His likeness continuously. And when you see Him, you will be perfectly changed (transformed) 1Jn 3:2, Php 3:21.
The longer you stay in being born again, in walk with God, in fellowshipping with Jesus through the Holy Spirit the brighter you should shine. To be born again qualifies you as a good man, it does not mean you won't make mistakes but you don't feel fine or enjoy your mistakes. Immediately you take steps to correct the mistakes. And if you are good man you are qualified to expect that Matt 13: 35 is possible in your life.
Every man is naturally evil, a liar a sinner and carnal, as a man you don't have to struggle to become the three. Actually everyone born of a woman is evil, a liar, a sinner and carnal. Num 23:19 says 'God is not a man that He should lie' showing that naturally a man is a liar. Rom 3:23 also records ' all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God' if you are still in sin you are not a good man no matter what people say you are, no matter how religious you are. You must repent, forsake your sins, accept the death and resurrection of Jesus that it is for you. And then you can be changed to a good man.
This is how you get born again. When you get born again you are good man it does not mean that you will not be tempted by the devil. It does not mean a lady will not tempt you. It does not give you a guarantee that unholy offers will not come from the devils agent to lure you back to sin and bring you down and back to where you were. But it means you have the power to say no. You are no longer a captive of the devil, to do the things he suggests into your heart but you have the redemptive power through the nature of God in you. You can say no to the devil.
You are no more a sinner but a saint despite the challenges you are facing. As you mature in your walk with God you have more power (more power is available to you because of your growth to resist the temptation of the devil). If you are a born again all your sins are forgiven you; no matter your past, you are a good man. The death of Jesus has taking care of your past.

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