Monday, April 11, 2011


Ecclesiastes 10:10
For the last two weeks we have been studying this topic – The Spirit of Wisdom. Today we will look at some critical areas in our lives where we need to apply wisdom and the spirit of wisdom can begin to produce real results in out lives.
Areas Where You Need Wisdom
1. You need wisdom to carry out your life assignment
Victory and success in life is not by struggle but by wisdom. You need the wisdom of God to understand your assignment, how to go about it, how to relate with and handle men that are connected with your assignment. Not every man will seek the success of your assignment in life; you need God’s wisdom to handle men, like Jesus handled Judas.

Handle the information of God over your life in wisdom. The crisis of Joseph started when he shared his vision with his envious brothers (Gen. 37: 5). Samson got himself destroyed when he disclosed the sacred information of God over his life to the enemy. With all thy gettings, get understanding.

2. You need wisdom in marriage and home affairs
Wedding lasts for one day or a maximum of 2days but marriage and home building lasts a lifetime. You remember a wise woman builds her own house, the foolish tears hers down. A wise man will also raise his family in wisdom.

3. You need wisdom in handling crisis and challenges of life
We will come across challenges as we go through life, but with the wisdom of the ancient of days you will know how to navigate through life. Wisdom will tell you what to do in times of crisis or who to run to.

4. You need wisdom in handling God and divine revelations
Saul handled his ordination as a king with wisdom (1Sam. 10:14-16). Paul handled his revelation and encounter with God with wisdom. (Gal. 1:15-19). But Joseph did not. (Gen. 37)

5. You need wisdom to move from one level of success to another. Nobody rewards folly. Every right person who promotes and rewards has rewarded increased contributions of wisdom.

6. You need wisdom when life and people confront you with questions.
You need wisdom to know who to answer, who not to answer, who to delay his answer till another time and who to engage so that they don’t ask you questions again.

Lastly, I want to highlight two critical areas in your life that you must watch in other not to pollute the spirit of wisdom operational in you.

The Spirit in your heritage
God thinks generationally and the devil does the same. From the point that a child is given birth to, God places His eyes upon the child while the enemy does the same. Make sure you don’t do anything that connects you to wrong flows. It will affect the operation of the spirit of wisdom inside you.
Spirits of things/items.
Things carry spirits. The Bible says that handkerchiefs were taken from the body of Paul and taken to sick people. This shows that Paul’s body carries the spirit of healing. Books, messages, TV are attested channels of spirits transfer. Shut your mind, home and life to anything that poisons the anointing of God over your life.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Ephesians 1:17

Last week, I showed you how a man can contact the spirit of wisdom. Today I want to conclude by showing you some other channels through which this spirit can be contacted.

Respect and admiration

Anybody that you respect and admire, whatever is working in their lives will flow towards you in a measure. You cannot partake of the gift of a man without partaking in the spirit operating in him.

Study of God’s word: 2Tim. 4:15-17

Paul the Apostle wrote to Timothy in the passage above that knowledge of God’s word has a capacity to make a man wise unto salvation. This mean as you sit down to study the scriptures, a measure of God’s wisdom will rest upon you.

Prayer: James 1:5-8, Psalm 72

David the king prayed on behalf of Solomon that the Lord will give him wisdom; you can see the result in Solomon’s life. Paul also prayed for the Ephesian Church that the Lord will give them the sprit of wisdom. If you are born again, you can ask the Lord for it and the Lord will release it to you liberally.

After you have received the spirit of wisdom, it is your responsibility to keep it and make it more and more prevalent in your affairs. Do not let it lie dormant; Paul admonished the Corinthian church not to receive the grace of God in vain. You must exercise it to make it stronger in your life.

Steps to Strengthening the Spirit of Wisdom (Isa. 35:1-10)

The spirit of wisdom in you can be strengthened and can be damaged. The more it is strengthened the more it manifests in your life. The following are some of the ways by which you can strengthen this spirit for effectiveness in your journey and assignment in life.

1. Increase the intake of God’s word Ps. 119:97-99

Any member of the kingdom that is practicing the word will be a leader anywhere. When you study God’s word, you must look for commandments to obey, instructions to obey – you must have a strong respect for God’s instructions. You must look for the testimonies of God and His judgments. Get anointed messages, different translations of the Bible and anointed books. Your results will be different in life.

2. Train yourself to think, observe, look, listen carefully and closely to words, study things. Don’t just let things be swiped under the carpet; seek to know why? (Is. 41:20).

3. Intentionally associate with the wise

Listen to their messages or words, attend their meetings, and learn to ask practical questions while you are with them.

4. Practice the sayings of Jesus

Get a red-lettered bible and practice the words of Jesus written in red, you will see serious improvement will come upon your life.

5. Write things down

Writing makes an exact man. God is a writing God. (Is. 30:8; Hab. 2:2; Ex. 34:1, 27). It helps you to track your journey with God and update your knowledge.

6. Pursue knowledge passionately.

7. Abstain from unwholesome entertainment; it kills the spirit of wisdom.