Monday, January 31, 2011

DON’T OPPOSE YOURSELF II Tim. 2:23-26, Jam. 3:8-18

The greatest opposition a man can face is actually not from the devil, but from himself.  Please I want you to know that you can oppose yourself.  In fact, many today are opposing themselves while thinking God or the devil or someone else is.
Could you be opposing yourself somewhere? You ask how? First by your words.  Do you speak words that oppose good things in your life?  Words such as “I don’t know why bad things always happen to me.”  Do you speak words that oppose the word of God?  Do you speak words that curse rather than bless the heaven?  If you do, you have been opposing yourself through your own words.  It is time to change your language.  The first key to success given to Joshua by God in Joshua 1:8 was to change his speech.  When God touched Isaiah in Isaiah 6, it was his mouth he first touched. 
We need not only to have a born again spirit, we must have a born again mouth if we will make it in life.  The devil is looking for your words to fight you, don’t give them to him.  Rather give your words to God and angels to build your life for you.
The second way you can oppose yourself is by getting involved in strife.  Strife creates the most favourable atmosphere for evil to grow and demons to work.  Strife creates a poisonous atmosphere for the Holy Spirit.   Strife is a cancer that eats the very soul of a relationship, be it a marriage, friendship, business or church.  An environment of strife is simply a little piece of hell on earth wherever you find it.  When you get into strife with anyone for any reason, you begin to oppose yourself.
When Rachael got into strife with Leah, she opposed her health and life and she died at childbirth.  Many researches have proven that many cancer patients also have been involved with strife and unforgiveness at one time or the other.
When two business partners get into strife, they begin to oppose that business, no matter the potential, it won’t grow.  Get rid of all strife through forgiveness.  It is the key that unlocks the prison of strife.  Start practising how to forgive; it is the key to releasing all supernatural brakes on your progress.
The third way you can oppose yourself is through a lack of instruction.  Ignorance kills and in the realm of the spirit there is no room for ignorance.  There is no bliss in ignorance.  What you are ignorant of could kill you. To receive instruction requires you submitting your opinions.
You know the Bible says, “stubbornness is equal to idolatry’ a worship of your own mind.  A stubborn man is a devotee of his own opinion, he worships at the temple of his own ideas, becomes set in his ways, not willing to change and he slips into pride without knowing.  Pride makes God the enemy of the proud.
Pursue instruction and you will experience progress.  Pursue instruction from God and you will know his good will.  God takes special delight in those that pursue his wisdom.
The fourth and final way you can oppose yourself is by refusing to acknowledge the truth.  What is truth? The word of God is truth.  God’s word on a matter is truth.  When you see anyone opposing God’s word on a matter, he stops himself.  Solomon said one of the keys to enjoying divine direction is to acknowledge him in ALL your ways.
The man who enjoys divine direction obviously will make rapid progress in life, while the one who does not will be slow down in life.  To acknowledge means to recognise something.  It means to accept that things as real.  In order to acknowledge the truth, you will “not lean unto thine own understanding.”
Many today promote their own understanding above the word of God and end up opposing their own understanding above the word of God and end up opposing themselves.  Don’t let your education be above your obedience to God.  The kingdom of God does not belong to the educated, it belongs to the obedient.  Obedience is a proof that you acknowledge the truth. God bless you.